Submit AI Tool

Are you looking for a tools directory website to submit your AI tool?

Do you want to list your tool on Or do you love a tool that you would like to share with others?

Good news, now you can submit your tool and get featured on our website!

Free AIO: AI Tools Directory Website

Say hello to, an online tools directory website that allows you to submit your marketing tool, AI and other category tools!

Categories For Tool Submission

  1. Artificial Intelligence Tools (AI Tools for Business, Marketing, Advertising, Content Creation, Research and Analytics)
  2. SEO Tools
  3. Social Media Tools
  4. Productivity Tools
  5. Tools For Small Business
  6. Free Tools For Anything
  7. Education Tools
  8. Graphic Desing and Video Editing Tools
  9. Automation Tools

Fill out the form below with all the necessary details, and I’ll review your submission according to the guidelines (read below).

You agree to receive email communication from us by submitting this form and understand that your contact information will be stored with us.

Once everything checks out, I’ll publish your tool as soon as possible.

Please Note: Every tool submitted is manually reviewed by the site owner. Submitting a tool is not a guarantee that it will be published on the Click For Tools website.

If you would like to publish your tool on our website, you can submit your AI tool or marketing tool using this page.